Artist family and new normal

Carol LeBaron
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


wedding dresses(Adobe stock photo)

Today I watched my daughter try on wedding dresses, from my living room a thousand miles away. A year ago I did not imagine such a thing. The experience was a bittersweet gift, a slightly out of focus and surreal experience.

I am certain that one could fill a river with the ink that has been written about human distancing, cyber connections, and virtual verbal interactions. The subtext to all of it is a subtle shift in the way our culture has begun to move as a living, breathing entity. It is as though all of the energy in the cyber network has somehow encroached and mapped itself onto the collective neural net of the earth’s human inhabitants.

I work with a network of artists, entrepeneurs, marketers, coders, teachers, designers, musicians — -all of us like minded people focused on positive, personal purpose. I have Jason Stapleton and the network knowledge I have gained to thank for a mindset that has allowed me to see the way in which every tiny direction shift leads only to a brighter outcome.

The input layer is a constant river. The hidden layer is a soup of bright energy. I am focusing my attention on the output layer; in my case, that consists of my art work coupled with classes in how to do it. Every human has a unique talent; a wellspring that, sadly, appears to remain untapped in a great percentage of cases. I choose to channel mine into shared output.

Carol LeBaron



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